Monday, April 24, 2006

What is Sin?

I just read the most beautiful saying.. A lot of new age philosophy tries to tell us there is no sin. There is no devil. In fact the scriptures tell us that in the last days people will say that!
I loved this saying. "Sin is sin because it destroys instead of saves; it tears down instead of builds; it causes despair instead of hope."—Jack H. Goaslind When you think about it, anything that God has asked us Not to do is because of the pain it causes. He wants to save us from the heartache.

I am going through my pictures for the family scrapbook, I am thinking of getting my hair cut very short. here is a picture with it short from a long time ago. It might not look good because I am a lot heavier now. I love this darling picture of my 3 little angels.

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